The Ballard house. A lifeline for people who feel like they need time away sfrom home. I decided to go there for the weekend and look into its history and I was surprised to see it’s been going strong for almost 10 years now. I also decided to spend 2 hours helping out around the house, cleaning tables and wiping down the stair rails and some other things. The house specializes in helping people in tight situations and gives medical attention. A nonprofit like this was successful for a reason and it was that they genuinely work to help the less fortunate and improve their quality of living overall. Some ideas i’ve had for a non profit all fit in the category for creating one. I’ve found a problem in our modern world and I’m going to try and fix it without looking to make a profit. An idea I’ve created is to make a yard trimming business. I’ll mow lawns, pick out weeds, and help water flowers for senior citizens and the disabled population who cannot do it for themselves. There are already many different non profits in my area. For example, The Arc of Katy, a non profit organization that operates in my city, focuses on cars. Specifically when they break down. But getting your car towed is expensive. What the Arc does is that they bring in the cars to a mechanic for free and then they leave. Another example would be Clothed by Faith. As you can probably tell by the name, they specialize in offering clothing to the ones in need. Some achievements that they have hit in the past year or two is donating over 1000 pounds of clothes. They’re not unknown either. With over 100 reviews on the organization, they are used to getting help. All in all, we can definitely answer the question: How do non profit organizations improve daily and public life? They help by giving the less fortunate more options, letting them live and create new paths.

The Ballard house
- Post author:admin
- Post published:October 30, 2023
- Post category:Uncategorized